Auditing Vulnerabilities & Capabilities

An objective assessment of the organisation’s weaknesses, the risks that could threaten the company and its stakeholders, and the extent of the impact that possible crises could haveLEARN MORE »

Developing Plans

At the core of an organisation’s preparedness structure is a set of updated, appropriate, tried and tested plans covering risk management, emergency or incident management, business continuity management, issue management and crisis management.LEARN MORE »

Workshops & Training

Customised seminars, workshops and simulation exercises specifically to suit the individual company’s culture, challenges and specific crisis vulnerabilities. So your response teams can effectively use the plans even when under pressure.LEARN MORE »

Auditing vulnerabilities and capabilities

When working with a new client, Castell Crisis Advisors recommend conducting a vulnerability and crisis risk audit at the outset.  This approach will provide an objective assessment of the organisation’s weaknesses, the risks that could threaten the company and its stakeholders, and the extent of the impact that possible crises could have.

A cross-discipline vulnerability audit allows Castell Crisis Advisors to quickly develop an understanding of your organisation, identify where risks exist in your operations that could cause of exacerbate a crisis, and determine how these vulnerabilities can be best addressed to strengthen the organisation’s crisis readiness.  The audit then provides a benchmark of your current crisis capabilities and a roadmap for improvement that will:

  • determine possible areas of risk, analyse societal and industry trends and review events and situations faced by similar organisations;
  • identify early warning signals of an impending crisis;
  • detect and assess the potential loss or harm should specific existing situations escalate to crises;
  • indicate remedial action to address significant threats;
  • identify potential loss and harm that could be incurred should be identified potential crises occur;
  • highlight and prioritise operational weaknesses that require strengthening;
  • identify areas of improvement for crisis planning and training.

Depending on clients’ specific needs, the level of their organisations’ current preparedness and the type of industry threats to which they are exposed, Castell Crisis Advisors may recommend a comprehensive or a standard audit, both of which conclude with the findings presented in an evaluation report with recommendations for improvement.

A standard audit includes:

  • a review of the organisation’s existing documents of crisis preparedness, such as emergency/incident response protocols and procedures, business continuity plans, disaster plans, crisis management and communication plans, feedback from past management and staff training;
  • meetings with senior executives and members of the crisis management team.

A comprehensive audit additionally includes:

  • visits to key operational sites to talk with managers and employees at all levels of the organisation;
  • meetings with identified representatives of key external stakeholders, such as the local community, business associates, and other organisations with whom the organisation may be involved in times of crisis.

Reputation is a vital asset to every organisation.  Every organisation faces business issues that could affect the health of its reputation and image.  These can be specific to the company and its immediate environments, such as pricing policies or concerns about the safety of raw materials.  Some issues relate to a larger community or society as a whole, such as environmental concerns or cybersecurity.

The significance and importance of business issues change constantly as the business environment changes.  As companies do not have resources to address all current issues, they need to identify, assess, map and monitor potential risks so as to develop a strategic issue management plan of action.

A reputation risk assessment uses the same fact-finding approach as the crisis vulnerability risk audit, but with a specific focus on identifying and prioritising reputational threats from trends, incidents, events, and issues.  The resulting reputation risk landscape provides managers with a road map to reduce reputational risk before a crisis develops, by suggesting appropriate approaches to remove, reduce or manage identified threats.

A business continuity assessment uses a similar audit approach to examine the organisation’s critical business functions, specifically premises, people, providers, performance and systems, processes, products, finances and reputational profile. The extent and capability of existing resources are assessed resulting in recommendations for adding or adapting resources to further strengthen the organisation’s capabilities so operations can be restored quickly after a crisis.

Developing Plans

Rest assured, your company is covered

At the core of an organisation's preparedness structure is a set of updated, appropriate, tried and tested plans covering risk management, emergency or incident management, business continuity management, issue management and crisis management. These plans must be fully integrated and complementary.

To this end, Castell Crisis Advisors partner with clients to:

  • Develop business continuity plans to outline how the organisation can most effectively and efficiently return to normal business operations following a crisis;
  • Develop an issue management plan to address potential risks to the organisation’s reputation;
  • Develop a crisis management and response plan, to give direction to those charged with managing an active crisis;
  • Develop a crisis communication plan, detailing communication strategies, tools and tactics for communicating with internal and external stakeholders, observers and the news media during a crisis;
  • Develop a reputation management plan that focuses on online reputation threats, detailing guidelines and goals for Internet communication, a framework for online communication of significant organisational news, and guidelines for online media uses in crisis management;
  • Ensure alignment of business continuity, crisis management and crisis communication plans with safety/security and incident/emergency management plans.

Castell Crisis Advisors develop and write your plans with you. While the plans are based on industry best practice and our experience partnering with organisations in many regions and industries, they are tailored to your precise requirements, to fit your organisation, your industry and your business environment. Information gathered during vulnerability audits and assessments forms the basis of the planning strategy.

To be effective, business continuity/crisis response strategies must be adaptable to a specific situation being faced. There is no one-size-fits-all plan because every crisis is unique. While a crisis situation may resemble something that happened in the past, there will always be differences in how the crisis plays out. Your managers may be able to anticipate what might happen to your company, but it is very unlikely they could accurately predict the exact series of events that will occur as the crisis breaks and escalates. Your plans must work for you when you need them. The most effective preparedness plans balance scenario anticipation with capability building. Certainly, crisis response teams can learn from previous similar situations. But they must also be able to adapt the organisation's existing plans to address the specifics of a situation at hand. The plans that we develop with our clients incorporate strategies for managing broad categories of potential situations, but also guide users how to customise these strategies to suit a specific situation they may be facing. Importantly, we write straightforward, user-friendly plans that our clients can easily apply in a pressured and confused crisis situation.


To run your carefully-prepared business continuity and crisis plans, you need capable and trained response teams.

Organisations that do not invest in preparedness training may find, when faced with a crisis situation, that their people do not have the knowledge, skills and confidence to activate respond effectively. Castell Crisis Advisors offer a range of customised seminars, workshops and simulation exercises to prepare your executives and staff to manage a crisis situation effectively. Courses range from training for specific crisis response roles to full-team exercises. The sessions are highly-interactive, incorporating teaching methods including presentations, case studies, group discussions, small- and large-group exercises and role-play simulation.

While we develop our courses based on business continuity and crisis management best practice, every session is developed specifically to suit the individual company’s culture, challenges and specific crisis vulnerabilities. No two training or exercising activities are the same because we develop bespoke training based on your specific needs.

The training activities focus on the strategies and tactics identified in the organisation’s own preparedness plans. In this way, clients can see how their plans work in action and ensure that their response teams can effectively use the plans even when under pressure.

Engaging with crisis stakeholders

During a crisis, organisations are expected to be accountable to all affected stakeholders, inside and outside the company. Stakeholder engagement during a crisis aims at acknowledging and addressing all stakeholders’ perspectives, through meaningful dialogue. Managers have to communicate promptly,Read More »

Crisis media management

The news media are hugely important for organisations dealing with a crisis. Effective media communication may not guarantee positive media coverage for the company. But ineffective media communication will escalate a crisis and may hinder post-crisis recovery. Alongside traditional news media,Read More »

Media Training

When a company is dealing with a crisis, media representatives expect to interview spokespersons. Despite the popularity and influence of online/social media channels, the traditional media-newspapers, radio and television-also remain hugely important in reporting how an organisation crisis progresses.Read More »

Crisis leadership & team building

These sessions are designed for senior management and/or crisis leadership teams and focus on how to lead an organisation as a united team through and out of a crisis. The focus is on becoming crisis leaders who nurture response teams these sessions are designed for senior management.Read More »

Using Preparedness Plan

These workshops guide your key business continuity, crisis management and crisis communication teams how to effectively activate and follow through on the organisation’s preparedness plans during a crisis. The course also covers how post-crisis debriefs and reviews should be stagedRead More »

Crisis Communication Simulations

Simulation exercises for crisis communication teams give participants a realistic feel of having to communicate directly with multiple stakeholder groups in a highly stressful and escalating situation. Participants in our crisis communication simulation exercises respond to different interested.Read More »


No company that is about to call activation to address a real-life crisis wants to discover its preparedness plans are outdated or irrelevant

Castell Crisis Advisors offer simulation exercise training including table-top, command post and single-incident drills, which can be tailored to test specific parts of the crisis response functions. We can also partner with you to stage a full-scale response simulation involving the entire organisation and, possibly, external stakeholders.Business continuity, crisis management and crisis communication plans need regular exercising to test how clear, comprehensive and easy to use they are.

The executives charged with responsibilities in those plans also need regular reminding of their roles. Response personnel need to experience the pressures of handling a crisis, so they can practise their critical thinking and decision making skills while under stress. Simulation exercises are a valuable and cost-effective means of testing your preparedness processes, procedures and resources, and so identify flaws or omissions that need changing before the organisation faces an actual crisis.

These exercises give your business continuity and crisis management teams the opportunity to:

  • Test and improve the approach, format, content and clarity of preparedness plans in a safe environment;
  • Examine the escalation, roles, responsibilities and resources of the business continuity and crisis management teams;
  • Rehearse and enhance the thought processes, leadership, teamwork and proactive decision-making skills that are essential for an effective crisis management team;
  • Gain confidence that the organisation’s preparedness plans are appropriate, relevant and effective;
  • Review and improve the availability and accessibility of technical, logistical and administrative resources;
  • Test procedures for stakeholder engagement;
  • Identify additional preparedness training that may be required.

Simulation exercises typically last a full day, with pre-event briefing and post-event debriefing. We partner with clients to design the activities to suit the organisation’s specific requirements, existing capabilities and desired outcomes. We facilitate the exercise, providing constant input on how participants are handling the emerging situation and suggesting pointers for them to consider.

After delivering the exercises, we provide a detailed report assessing your organisation’s business continuity and crisis management capabilities that were tested. We partner with you to review and assess the outcomes and propose recommendations for further strengthening the plans and the capabilities of response personnel. With this type of regular exercising of preparedness plans, you can have confidence your company is prepared to manage a bad situation.





    +65 6871 4060


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    #08-01A Far East Finance Building
    Singapore 048545